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Photography for the Amateur

Don’t want to pay tons of money for a professional camera, all of its equipment, and everything else you’re expected to purchase? Discover these photography hacks, and learn how you can become, even with just your smartphone, a gateway to professional quality photos.

Photography with your Smartphone

Now that smartphones have such high capabilities for photo capture, many people have been able to take up photography. Everyone carries around their smartphones these days, whereas a large digital SLR may not be your go to grab when you’re running off to a concert, party, or hike.

The great thing? We’ve got a list of things you can do to your smartphone to help you take more professional pictures, even with just that!


The other thing that is incredibly handy when it comes to smartphones are the millions of apps that are created every day just for you to do things like make your pictures look fantastic. The difficulty comes in trying to decipher and sift through all the terrible unusable apps and find the gems. So here you go, we’ve done that for you!

Make Your Own Equipment

Whether you’re shooting with a smartphone, a point and shoot, or a digital SLR, you’re going to want to learn these photography hacks, because they will teach you how you can use items found laying around the house to enhance your photos and start shooting like a pro.

Preserve your precious memories before they fade away!
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